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E.L. will implement new curbside recycling this fall

June 23, 2015

East Lansing has received a $125,000 grant from The Recycling Partnership to assist with a new curbside recycling system later this year.

As a result of the grant and matching funds from the city, new 96-gallon carts will be rolled out to East Lansing residents at no cost by early to mid-October. According to a press release, the carts will allow residents to recycle like never before, as residents can now recycle various items, including boxboard, cardboard and the possibility of other materials, which will be announced later this summer.

When the new bins are rolled out, recycling pickup will switch to once every two weeks, rather than once every week. A schedule will be provided for residents.

"The Recycling Partnership is thrilled to announce that our first city for the 2015 grant cycle is East Lansing, Michigan,"  Recycling Partnership Executive Director Keefe Harrison said in a press release. "They are an outstanding partner, who is not only expanding the volume of their collection container by moving to 96-gallon carts, but also will be adding new material types to their curbside mix. We look forward to working with this dedicated and enthusiastic city partner to implement lasting improvements to their residential recycling program."

As for the blue bins residents have been using, East Lansing Environmental Services Administrator Cathy DeShambo said residents have a few options. They can either keep the bins and find an alternative use for them, or they can give them to the city and the city will recycle them. 

In addition to this, the city will also add a new automatic hydraulic hybrid recycling truck by mid-August.

"The Recycling Partnership grant will be instrumental in successfully rolling out this exciting new cart system to our residents,” DeShambo said in the press release. “The cart system comes with many benefits, including added convenience for residents, increased recycling volumes, less landfill material, more efficient collection times, cost savings and increased safety for City employees.”

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