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Annual water main flushing began Monday, potential laundry hazard

June 1, 2015

East Lansing’s annual flushing of water mains began Monday, and residents within adjacent areas might experience cloudy or rusty colored water that is safe to drink but can present problems for doing laundry, according to an East Lansing Department of Public Works statement.

The program will take place primarily in the area west of Abbot Road and north of Wolf Court, Gainsborough Drive and Bessemaur Drive within East Lansing’s city limits. The flushing will occur for approximately the next three weeks between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. 

Remaining areas of East Lansing will be included in future flushing activities. A map with updated areas of the flushing can be found on the city's website.

If discolored water is experienced, residents are advised to to run cold water through a non-aerated faucet, such as a bathtub or outdoor water spigot, for five to 10 minutes until the water becomes clear.

According to the statement, the water within the distribution system is of very high quality but the aesthetic quality can deteriorate over time if the mains are not properly managed. The flushing removes sediment and mineral deposits by “scouring” the mains or running water through them at high velocity and discharging the water through fire hydrants. 

Residents may experience a reduction in water pressure when the crew is flushing the main immediately adjacent to a home or business. The pressure will return to normal once the flushing in the immediate area is completed.

Inclement weather or other unusual conditions may alter the project schedule.

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