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Egyptian East Lansing woman uses personal style to craft handmade jewlery

May 20, 2015
<p>Naglaa Seoudy shows off the prices and the quality of her handmade jewelry to customers May 17, 2015 at the East Lansing Art Festival. Asha Johnson/The State News</p>

Naglaa Seoudy shows off the prices and the quality of her handmade jewelry to customers May 17, 2015 at the East Lansing Art Festival. Asha Johnson/The State News

For some people, jewelry is a way to spice up an otherwise drab outfit.

For East Lansing resident Naglaa Seoudy, it’s a livelihood and a calling, as she constructs jewelry and sells it online.

Seoudy said she first began making jewelry five years ago. She said she loved buying necklaces and bracelets but quickly became bored with their arrangements and would often redesign them.

Once she realized she had a knack for it, she began purchasing gemstones and creating jewelry to give to her friends. Eventually, she decided to start selling her pieces online.

Seoudy was one of the many artists at the East Lansing Art Festival this past weekend, a new experience which she said was a lot of fun.

“Meeting different people from different countries, seeing new talents ... it’s really nice,” she said. Dozens of her colorful necklaces, bracelets and more were proudly on display at her booth during the festival and attracted many intrigued customers.

Seoudy said jewelry making, though it started out simply as a hobby, has completely changed her life. The process of designing necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry has taught her patience and creativity, she said, adding how she’s learned to draw inspiration from everyday life, such as the trees and buildings she passes by.

Seoudy said her process of design has changed through time and experience. She’s gone from using silver-plated and gold-plated jewelry to adding silver and gold themselves to her pieces and said she wants to continue adding different materials.

“I’d like to mix the cultures,” she said. “I’m from the Middle East, from Egypt, so ... I found (Egyptian and American styles) mixed together is really nice.”

One thing that will always remain the same, though, is the use of gemstones in her pieces. Seoudy said she finds them far superior to anything else, and they’re her absolute favorite part of the design process.

“When you start wearing gemstones, you wouldn’t go back to wearing plastic stuff,” she said.

Each stone has its own energy and can bring people different feelings, such as calmness and confidence, she said. She recommends starting out by wearing your birthstone and then adding other stones you like.

Seoudy has no plans of slowing down with her jewelry making. Jewelry making has inspired her to go back to school. She’s currently taking online courses with the New York Institute of Art and Design in order to become a certified jewelry teacher. She said she hopes to be able to show people how great it is to construct their own pieces.

In addition to that, she’s considering opening up her own business.

“When you (make) stuff by your (own) hand, you will get a wonderful feeling,” she said. “It’s yours, with your vision. You will enjoy it.”


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