Friday, July 26, 2024

Student creates second MSU-themed mix, 'CATA Bus Station' dubstep

April 20, 2015

The same collaborative team that created the "Farm Lane Walk Sign remix" has dropped a new mix on Youtube. 

Applied engineering sciences freshman Maalik Jones and his partner, Detroit resident, Elon Brown created their "CATA Bus Station" dubstep. The two go by Jay Jones and Jupyter. 

Viewers from their last song left comments requesting additional mixes pertaining to MSU's campus — the people got what they asked.

So far, the "CATA Bus Station" mix has received a little more than 300 views, showing less attention compared to their last song, which gathered more than 11,500. 

In a previous interview with The State News, Jones said they enjoy making mixes that engage others, like students playing the music while strolling down Farm Lane or waiting for a stop at the on campus bus station. 

They focus on creating a creative sound to partner with the monotone voices featured in the drops of these two songs. 

They said have no intentions of stopping. In fact, the two hope to pursue their musical journey and make it into a career in the future. 

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