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Spartan Body Pride works to promote positive body image among students

April 9, 2015

The organization is devoted to stressing the importance of health and positivity, regardless of shape or size. They also work to break down social norms created by unrealistic media standards of beauty. They focus heavily on eating disorder prevention and encouraging healthy relationships with food.

“People think that (eating disorders are) caused by the person themselves and they’re just a psychological problem,” said Spartan Body Pride President and social work junior Sage Gauss. “But I think its a bigger thing I think that its caused by a campus environment and a societal environment that favors unrealistic body types and doesn’t celebrate everyone,”

From free fitness classes to informational documentary screenings, the members of Spartan Body Pride are committed to educating the MSU community and promoting body positivity.

Spartan Body Pride is active during National Eating Disorder Awareness Week which is put on in association with ASMSUResidence Halls Association, and The National Eating Disorders Association every February. The organization puts on events throughout the week to inform students about the dangers of eating disorders and common myths surrounding them.

One key part of their message is the idea of what they call intuitive eating as a way to improve health and combat eating disorders.

“If you practice intuitive eating, which is paying attention to your body and how you feel about food and developing a good relationship with food, we can help lessen the prevalence of eating disorders which is a really big problem on college campuses,” Gauss said.

While their mission is large, Gauss said she believes that Spartan Body Pride is making a difference among the community.


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