Sunday, July 7, 2024

Club offers students opportunities to meditate

April 1, 2015

The Meditation and Mindfulness Club at MSU seeks to provide the student population with this sense of relaxation and reflection.

The club was formed last year by Hokyo Routhier, who has since graduated from MSU. Currently, philosophy senior Dan Catterall is the lead facilitator and is running the meetings.

“I lead discussions and make sure the discussions stay on track, and sometimes I lead meditation,” Catterall said.

There are several different techniques of meditation practiced worldwide.

Historically, meditation practice developed in ancient Greece and is currently looked as a way to enhance a spiritual connection. Additionally, meditation is highly favored by several religions, including Buddhism.

Despite this, some of the benefits of meditation are not commonly known by the general public, and some view it as a waste of time. Catterall looks at it differently.

“Once I began trying it, I noticed a huge difference in my life. I was a lot more calm and energized. I had more focus,” Catterall said.

The club meets every Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. in A134 Wells Hall.

The meetings are open and free of charge to anyone, beginners or learners, looking to learn more about meditation and engage in it.

“Meditating in a group is way more beneficial than individually. I have found personally,” Catterall said.

Each session has about 8-15 people in attendance — a perfect size for what the group does.

A typical session consists of some form of meditation for at least 20 minutes, followed by some mindfulness practice, which is a short discussion about the practice and any relevant topic coming from that.

“I like it quite a bit,” communication senior Sanjay Bisht said. “The benefits of meditation are many, and we are lucky to have a club here at MSU that promotes it.”

Bisht has been attending sessions all semester.

Anyone interested in attending a session or learning more about Meditation and Mindfulness Club can go to Wells Hall for their weekly meetings.


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