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Required classes pointless and a waste of money

April 6, 2015

I know I can’t be the only student here that hates our required classes. Some of them are difficult for no reason, some have professors that have a hard time speaking clear English and some are just flat out boring. With all these factors, that leaves us as students dreading taking and attending these types of classes.

I cannot speak for everyone, but it seems a lot of people I know get less motivated to excel in these classes as we get deeper into school and into our majors. We go from learning things we will need in our respective fields to things we won’t even think about a couple of months from now.

It’s unfortunate, but I haven’t had one memorable class that was a requirement. The only thing memorable about them, for me, are usually how boring or irritating the class was. Going into the class with an open mind is a must and it helps, but only for so long. The closer the semester comes to an end, the more sluggish I feel about the class.

My motivation for doing insane amounts of work and studying for my other classes is usually that I will have to use the information later on in life. I know I can either learn the information now or be in trouble somewhere down the line and make myself look bad.

For me, motivation doesn’t exist for an ISS class. I know I won’t use that information anywhere past the test I’m preparing for or the project I’m turning in.

The one good thing about these required classes is sometimes you luck out and get a relatively simple one. An easy required class is the greatest feeling because it won’t take up an inordinate amount of your time and you can focus more of your energy on the classes directly related to what you’re going into.

If I could give anyone advice, I would tell them make sure they take those required classes as soon as possible. You tend to have more motivation to succeed in something unrelated to your majors when you’re not on the tail end of your time at MSU.

There’s no point in sitting around and waiting to take them, because the older you get the more you will dread them. Get them out the way — you’ll be more hungry to knock them out and then spend more time working on classes in your field.


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