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Procrastinating spring breakers still have chance to bask in the sun

March 4, 2015

The anticipation is intense, as many students are getting ready to head to faraway places, where wearing shorts and a T-shirt in mid-March is not just a possibility, but a common assumption.

Besides the typical beach trips, many students are taking advantage of the break to go to places they might not otherwise have time for.

Kinesiology senior Courtney Blanchard certainly falls under the category of unconventional yet exciting trips.

“I’m actually going to Missouri. I’m touring a physical therapy school,” she said. “I’m touring the University of Missouri, and my boyfriend goes there.”

Advertising freshman Ali Obermayer said she’s going to be spending the break in Houston.

“I’m going to Texas with my mom,” she said. “My family lives down there.”

Other students like to use the time off to earn some extra money, like journalism freshman Hannah Fleming.

“I’m working at Buffalo Wild Wings,” she said. “I’ll just be there all spring break.”

Most all other students just like to go home and relax for the duration of the break, like advertising junior Sam Harris.

He said his plan is to return to his home in Ann Arbor and just “chill.”

However, if students are the procrastinating type, who still want to have an adventurous break, it would seem that it’s impossible at this juncture to still manifest such a trip.

Fear not, because it’s not too late.

Driving is always an obvious course of action for long-distance transportation.

But if a lack of a car is an issue for travel, then it’s time to take to the skies.

Whether it’s partying on the beach down south or binging on Netflix at home in bed, it’s hard to not have an enjoyable spring break.


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