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Lower heating bill costs with small changes

March 3, 2015

Other than the obvious consequence of a more expensive energy bill, increasing the heat in your home has harmful effects on the environment as well.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, of the energy consumed in America, about 39 percent is used via electricity. Because of this, powering homes is a large portion of the nation’s carbon footprint.

Here are tips to stay warm without increasing the heat.

It’s a simple solution, but doing something as simple as wearing warmer clothes around the house is a good first step. It isn’t a bad idea to wrap yourself in your favorite blanket either.

Bundling up is a cost-effective way of staying warm at home that also protects the environment from carbon emissions.

It’s difficult to sleep in a cold bedroom without a sufficient amount of blankets. But having enough blankets is only half of the solution.

Mental_Floss, an intelligence magazine, said it also helps to layer your blankets with the thinnest, densest ones on top. Fluffy blankets should be closer to your skin. Dense blankets should be on top to prevent heat loss as much as possible.

It also helps to leave some space between your bed and any exterior walls.

Kitchen and bathroom vent fans are effective at keeping the bathroom from getting too steamy, and they also keep the kitchen from getting too smoky or smelly during cooking.

But vent fans also have one undesired consequence — they suck the heat out of homes and in turn make the home colder according to Horizon Services, the most referred home service company in the Delaware Valley.

It is advisable to limit the use of these vent fans to necessary situations according to Horizon Services.

If you find yourself with unused rooms in your home, you can use this to your advantage.

Horizon Services said that by turning the heat on your thermostat down even lower and utilizing space heaters, you can save money and reduce carbon emissions even more. Using a space heater in just one or two rooms at a time is cheaper than using the heat to keep your entire home warm.

Eating at home is a win-win situation. Using your oven heats up your home, and also allows you to save money on food costs.


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