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Michigan Senate approves anti-abortion license plates, would raise funds for pro-life causes

March 27, 2015

“Choose Life.”

Those two words, when combined, can be controversial for some groups and now you will be able to see them in front of you, on a license plate.

The special license plates, in a bill introduced by state Sen. Patrick Colbeck, R-Canton, will serve as a fundraiser for pro-life groups. The bill was passed by the Michigan senate March 18.

“With this legislation, our citizens will have the ability to choose to support services on behalf of some of the most vulnerable members of our society — women facing unplanned pregnancies and their unborn babies,” Colbeck said in a statement.

According to an article published on MLive, the special license plates would have a cost of $35 plus additional costs — part of the proceeds will support pregnancy resource centers.

MSU Students for Life President Natalie Collins said the bill, who has received opposition from pro-abortion groups, was a good idea.

Collins said the special license plates can be compared to the special plates that benefit state universities such as the Spartan helmet for MSU and the Block M for University of Michigan.

“Everyone will see these license plates when they are driving around so it’s good advertising,” Collins said.

But there has been opposition to the bill that has been passed in the state Senate.

MSU College Democrats President Brianna Shamsuddoha said she felt disappointed when the bill was passed.

“These are private opinions,” Shamsuddoha said. “I don’t think that’s appropriate that we create public license plates like these.”

Shamsuddoha said the license plate is a polarizing topic due to its ties to religion.

If approved in the House of Representatives, Michigan will join a list of 29 states that have already approved “Choose Life” license plates — Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida are some of the states to have them approved.

“The Choose Life message is a simple one ... love for the unborn baby, love for the mother facing an unplanned pregnancy,” Colbeck said in a statement.

The revenues of the license plates can be significant.

proceeds from MSU significant — MSU has received $1,398,430 since fiscal year 2013 to the present, MSU spokesman Jason Cody said.

Collins said she is positive the Michigan House of Representatives will pass the bill.

“So we would not be the first state and I’m sure we wouldn’t be the last,” Collins said.  

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