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New bill would attempt to block spread of Asian carp to great lakes

March 4, 2015

On Feb. 26, U.S. Sen. Gary Peters announced he will be co-sponsoring the “Defending Our Great Lakes Act” which would prevent Asian carp and other invasive species from destroying the Great Lakes.

The bipartisan act was introduced by Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Representative Candice Miller (R-MI).

“Asian carp continue to present a serious economic and environmental threat to our Great Lakes, and it’s clear the federal government needs to tackle this problem more aggressively,” Peters said.

The act will allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorization to put immediate efforts into preventing the spread of Asian carp at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam, which is south of the Chicago Area Waterway System.

“This bill is focused on specific, tangible actions that will help prevent the spread of Asian carp and other invasive species that would significantly disrupt the Great Lakes ecosystem and the region’s multibillion-dollar boating and fishing industries,” Peters said in a press release.

In the future, it will also direct the Army Corps to work with state and local partners to create more permanent solutions to stop Asian carp and other invasive species from getting into the Great Lakes.

“I’m pleased to cosponsor this bipartisan legislation aimed at eradicating this threat and protecting our Great Lakes, and I applaud Senator Stabenow and Representative Miller for their leadership on this critical issue,” Peters said.

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