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Senior uses internship to help special needs children

February 10, 2015

Braun interns with Special Olympics Michigan in the Area 8 office, which oversees Ingham and Eaton counties.

“For kinesiology ... an internship is required for graduation. I got an email through a club called FLISE (Future Leaders in Sports and Entertainment) saying that the Special Olympics had an opening, and I’ve always loved working with kids so I figured why not try it out?” Braun said. “I have never worked with special needs kids before so I was unaware what it would be like, but I really have loved the whole experience.”

Braun spends two days per week in two Lansing area schools assisting adaptive physical education teachers in gym class with special needs students. Braun also does office work at the Beekman Center in Lansing for the Area 8 office. Braun works with teachers Meredith DiMaria at Vivian Riddle Elementary and Allison Wonch who teaches physical education at Gardner Middle School.

“Every Monday is at the same elementary school with the same class, so it’s nice to get to know (the students) and so that they are more comfortable around me,” Braun said. “Same for the middle school — every Wednesday is with the same class at Gardner. ... And our office is at Beekman, which is another school and they have classes and whatnot for people ages 3 to 26, but I only do office work there.”

Braun plans to go into medical sales after graduating, but a hands-on internship is required for graduation. Braun also said the internship with the Special Olympics could set her apart from other potential competitors in the job market.

“I’m looking to go into medical sales though, but for kinesiology some sort of physical activity is required with our internship, and this internship with the Special Olympics helps with that requirement,” Braun said. “Special Olympics is a very recognizable organization that everyone knows about and respects so that’s where I think I would have a leg up. But I’m drawn to medical sales because I’ve always liked sales and, since I have a medical background because of all my KIN classes. I think I have an advantage going into medical sales fresh out of college compared to someone who doesn’t have any medical background.”

According to Braun, medical sales consists of selling medical device equipment for large companies, such as Stryker. Braun is also considering pharmaceutical sales, which revolves around selling drugs for companies such as Pfizer. The internship with the Special Olympics Area 8 office also gives Braun the office experience she covets for her desired professional career.

Braun said, “I think a lot of (the internship) is just working with people and getting over obstacles, and in my case it’s constantly a challenge, in the gym in particular. I was also drawn to it because of the ability to work independently and to learn a lot about office work and computer work because in the past I haven’t had any previous computer or office experience.”

The internship is not all work, however. This past week Braun and the rest of the Michigan Special Olympic offices made the trek to Traverse City, Michigan, for some fun and games in the snow.

“This last week was really cool because I went up to Traverse City with all of the Michigan areas for the Special Olympics Winter Games Braun said. “Throughout the semester we will help out at basketball, gymnastics, skiing and other sport tournaments for the disabled athletes around the area.”

The best part for Braun is being able to watch the students enjoy themselves. According to the Special Olympics Michigan website, 919 athletes participated in this past weekend’s competition.

“The most rewarding part is seeing the athletes have fun. Gym class is their time to get out of the classroom and have fun with games and sports. This past week was also life changing. ... (The athletes) were able to win medals and were just very happy and upbeat the entire week despite being away from their families. It makes me feel very humbled working with this organization.”


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