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Battling through the 'sophomore slump' and a mid-college crisis

February 25, 2015
<p>Zoë Schubot</p>

Zoë Schubot

I have deemed these existential thoughts to be my own version of a midlife crisis — a mid-college crisis, if you will.

There are so many things that I have yet to do during my time at MSU. I’ve yet to pull an all-nighter, paint the rock on Farm Lane or take a picture on the infamous Fiji jet ski.

However, I have also had incredible experiences during my first two years that I wouldn’t trade for anything. It’s easy to dwell on missed opportunities, but regardless of where you are in your college experience, it’s never too late to try something new.

College is the time to explore new things and find out who you are, so if you feel that you’ve missed out on some crucial experience, go out and grab it. You’ll never know if breakdancing club is the thing for you unless you go out and try, and even if you hate it, knowing you tried is better than living with the unanswered “what if.”

Also remember that while many people look back on college as the best four years of their lives, many do not. It’s good to appreciate college for all of the opportunities and experiences it provides, but don’t put unrealistic amounts of pressure on yourself. Instead, use your college experiences — and the lessons you learn — to make the coming years even better.

The most important thing to remember if you’re experiencing a crisis similar to mine is that you’re still just a college student. Sometimes we feel as if we are running out of time to do the things we want to do. If you’re like me and that’s the case, then slow down, take a breath. Realize that while it may not feel like it, you still have time. You haven’t missed out on any crucial life experiences and you don’t have to have everything figured out right now.

Take time to enjoy your college years. Don’t focus too heavily on the past or on the future. Live in the moment and appreciate those around you and you’ll find that regardless of your year, this isn’t the end of the best time in your life — it’s the beginning of great things to come.


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