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Runners brave cold for Heart Throb 5K

February 15, 2015

The pair raced in the annual Heart Throb 5K, a race for couples or individual runners and walkers hosted by the MSU Triathlon Club Saturday.

“I think (the 5K) is a cute way to get people active and I just like 5Ks because everyone is cheering each other on,” Kelly Patterson said.

Mimi Patterson said she was happy to have the opportunity to spend time with her daughter.

“Now that she’s off at college I don’t get to see her very often and so for her to invite me to do something with her was awesome, so I jumped at it,” Mimi Patterson said.

The 5K began at Bessey Hall, went down West Circle Drive and ended at Auditorium on Farm Lane. Kennedy Levy, race director and kinesiology junior, said planning for the race began in September and consisted of a lot of organizing, such as planning the path and having it approved by MSU.

“It’s fun to finally see everything come together and work out super smoothly,” Levy said.

Proceeds from the event will be used to support MSU Triathlon Club for their journey to the 2015 USA Triathlon Collegiate Club National Championships in South Carolina.

“This is our big fundraiser we do every year,” Levy said.

Biochemistry senior Jeremy Shinn said he was happy to be able to participate in a February race.

“There’s not many races in the winter and it’s nice to finally get a race in after being cold and cooped up all winter,” Shinn said.

A contest for bragging rights also encouraged participants to dress as “ridiculously Valentine-sy” as possible.

Tutus, head pieces and heart-patterned apparel were all to be seen on the runners and walkers of the 5K.

“It’s more for Valentine’s Day spirit than anything,” Levy said. “But I was surprised, we got some pretty crazy people out there.”

Mimi Patterson said she and her daughter created their festive costumes out of their love for crafting.

“We’re both pretty crafty so (the contest) piqued our interest,” Mimi Patterson said. “And Kelly is a runner so all these things made a perfect event for her.”


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