As the spring semester starts to pick up, it’s not uncommon to see a wave of student complaints flooding social media, each one more dramatic than the last, professing how overwhelmed and stressed they are.
These complaints go beyond the social media sphere. I’ve dealt with countless complaints from my peers about how much they have to do, but what I never manage to say back to them is, “If you’re so stressed out, why don’t you stop talking about it and do something?”
It’s only natural to want to put off doing the things looming over you, but I’ve found if I stop tweeting about the eight page paper I have to write and just sit down and write it, I can avoid a lot of stress. You aren’t going to want to do your homework on Sunday night any more than you do on Thursday, but chances are if you just get it over with, you’ll have a much better, less stressful weekend.
A common complaint is we simply “don’t have enough time” to do everything that we need to get done. While this can sometimes be the case, it’s important for busy people to take advantage of their wasted time. Get some reading done when you’re sitting on your phone before class, or watch a video that’s required rather than another episode of Friends before bed.
If you find you really, truly don’t have enough time to get everything done that you need to, consider dropping an activity. It’s better to do less and do it well than try to spread yourself out over too many things and end up half-assing all of them.
College is stressful. You cannot find a single student on Michigan State’s campus that hasn’t been overwhelmed at some point during their college career. Everyone is dealing with their own mountains of homework while also trying to hold down a job and maintain some semblance of a social life. As overwhelming as it is, you aren’t the only one feeling like they’re drowning.
But stress is not a competition. Instead of trying to one up your friends with various reasons as to why you’re the most stressed, support each other. Realize that you all have a lot going on and try to be understanding of their situations. If you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed, seek support. Chances are your friends have been in the same position as you are and would be more than happy to help you out.
As tempting as it can be to descend into a downward spiral as soon as things get overwhelming, power through and get it done. You’ll be much more satisfied with your success than with seven favorites on a tweet about how you’re never going to achieve it.