It’s that time of the year again, time for students to bundle up against the fierce Michigan weather. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first year at MSU, or your last, the cold is unbiased and unforgiving.
In my experience, the temperature directly correlates to just how hard it is to get out of bed and get to class on time. It’s as though the below zero wind chill is taunting us, trying to get us to doubt our will power, but we won’t let it win.
We’ll fight against the ice and snow so we can get the grade that we deserve. This classic struggle presents on-campus students with a few options. They can take the bus, bike or walk to class.
It seems to me as though the colder it gets, the more popular the CATA bus is, for obvious reasons. The routes are easy to learn, and it’s a great and affordable way to get to class on time.
But for those of us with an aversion to being on a crowded bus, it can be a nightmare. Nothing can mask the bitter disappointment of having to wait outside in freezing temperatures for a bus that’s already full and won’t let more passengers on.
On truly unfortunate days, you might end up waiting outside longer than you would have if you had just walked to class.
Biking is another popular option, and while it’s more popular in the warmer months, you can still find dedicated individuals riding against the winter winds. It’s cheaper than buying a bus pass and can be a lot faster than waiting for the bus.
It can be a bit of a hazard though, not only to the person biking, but to pedestrians as well. If you’re not properly dressed for the weather you might end up frostbitten. Not only that, but bike tires don’t seem to handle ice very well, especially when taking sharp corners. I’ve seen my fair share of bikers wipe out on the ice, and it’s never a pretty sight.
Walking despite the icy weather may not sound like the best option, and it has a few obvious disadvantages. It takes time and energy and you’re probably going to be very cold during the journey.
The good thing about walking though, is that it’s completely free and a fantastic way to fit a little exercise into a busy schedule.
Of course, you could choose the final option. Instead of taking the bus, biking or walking, you could just skip class and stay in bed a bit longer. I’ll admit it, I’ve been that person, the roommate who decides it’s just too cold to walk to class and stays in bed instead.
Everybody has at least one of those days, but in all my time here at MSU I’ve learned one thing — no matter how cold it is, or how much you don’t want to, going to class is the most important thing to do.