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New poll shows 50 percent of Michiganders would support marijuana legalization

January 20, 2015

More Michiganders want to legalize it. 

According to the latest marijuana poll commissioned by the state chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, 50 percent of Michiganders agree to legalize the marijuana and would support it on a ballot proposal to legalize and tax it.  

The survey was conducted by love callers on December and has an error rate of four percent. 

"Clearly a bare majority of Michigan voters would vote 'yes' on a proposal to legalize the possession and cultivation of limited amounts of marijuana for adults age 21 or older," the polling memo says. 

Lansing-based survey research firm EPIC-MRA president Bernie Porn said the trend in Michigan is that more residents want to legalize it, or at least are leaning toward a yes vote. 

According to the polling memo, 39 percent voted they would definitely vote in favor of the taxation and the legalization of the drug, nine percent said they would probably vote in favor and two percent said they were leaning towards a positive vote. 

Porn's firm conducted a similar survey on September 2013 where 47 percent of the respondents said they were in favor of "legalize marijuana by taxing and regulating it like alcohol." In the same survey, 26 percent of the respondents said they wanted to "continue our present system of state criminal penalties for marijuana offenses." 

The decriminalization and legalization of the marijuana in Michigan seems like an ongoing issue with a not-so-close end. 

In East Lansing, a proposal that would allow adults 21 and older to use, possess, or transfer one ounce or less of marijuana on private property was submitted by Coalition for a Safer East Lansing to be voted upon on the November 2014 ballot. The ballot proposal will now be included in the May 2015 special election. 

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