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East Lansing city council tables demolition plans for now

January 14, 2015

By Troy Jefferson

City council decided to defer discussion until January 27th when it came to demolishing properties on W. Grand River and 303 Abbot Road.

site plan is on the table from the Park District Investment Group to construct a ten-story mixed using building containing retail and restaurant spaces, 120 room hotel which will contain a restaurant, two levels of parking and apartments.

Park District Investment Group is proposing to demolish the former Citizens Bank, as well as buildings on 124, 128, 130, 136 and 140 W. Grand River Ave. and 303 Abbot Road.

Some things council wants to see better addressed in two weeks are the size of the apartments, the concept of longer leases, accessibility and a monetary analysis.

Potential rowdiness of tenants was another concern voiced by council. They would also like to review behavioral restrictions on the leases.

East Lansing’s planning and zoning administrator Darcy Schmitt said the council reached out to The Peoples Church on 200 W. Grand River Avenue to get their thoughts. Schmitt said the church has a meeting set up with their elder members to discuss the proposal. 

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