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Bubble Island enters new semester with new interior

January 27, 2015
<p>Political theory and constitutional democracy sophomore Jaaz Catterall works on homework Jan. 26, 2015, in the newly renovated Bubble Island, 515 E. Grand River Ave. in East Lansing. Catterall said he likes the new comfortable chairs and spacious layout. Kelsey Feldpausch/The State News.</p>

Political theory and constitutional democracy sophomore Jaaz Catterall works on homework Jan. 26, 2015, in the newly renovated Bubble Island, 515 E. Grand River Ave. in East Lansing. Catterall said he likes the new comfortable chairs and spacious layout. Kelsey Feldpausch/The State News.

Bubble Island, located at 515 E. Grand River Ave., added new lighting, wood floors and furniture after renovating and reopening Jan. 21.

“We have more spaces for smaller groups, people (who) just want to come and study or they’re waiting for the buses or they just want to get a drink and relax a bit,” Bubble Island employee and MSU alumna Taylor Varner said.

The newly painted walls also added to the ambiance and decor, she said.

“It opens it up a lot more. It used to be kind of dark.” Varner said. “Everything’s so much brighter now.”

Customers also echoed those sentiments., noticing the transition from the former, busier patterns.

“The wall color is so much better — it’s not seizure-inducing anymore,” Faye Tata, a recent Lyman Briggs College alumna said.

Varner said there has been mostly positive feedback from customers, but one customer preferred the old setup.

“It’s OK. I liked it better the way it was,” Amy Priest, a student at Central Michigan University said. “The last one was just nicer to come in and chill. It made me want to stay longer. This seems like I’d come in and go back out after a drink or two.”

Priest’s sister Maria had a much better time.

“I really liked it here. I think it’s cozy and really comfortable,” Maria Priest said as she experienced Bubble Island for the first time. “This is one of the best places I’ve been to study.”

Bubble Island is located right across from Berkey Hall and next to Campus Street Sportswear.


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