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Decision on Bailey Community Center forthcoming

January 16, 2015

The East Lansing City Council will decide on closing the Bailey childcare program and Bailey Community Center next Tuesday after the council's work session on Tuesday.

If the childcare program is shut down then the community center will also cease to exist.

The “Bailey Parents Working Group” presented the council with a proposal to keep the community center intact after several citizens voiced their displeasure with the possibility of the closure.

“The Bailey Community Center help attract families to the neighborhood,” East Lansing resident Sally Silver said. “Its ownership by the city also precludes uses that would harm the neighborhood, I believe that City Council’s main role is to ensure the stability and wellbeing of its neighborhood.”  

The proposal was broken up into two scenarios — a failure-mode analysis and a transfer to tenant administration summary.

According to group’s mission statement, their aim is “to provide a safe and educational environment for young children of East Lansing and the surrounding areas.”

The group wants to add a fifth room as a second preschool in year one of the reconfiguration and in year two add a sixth room to provide a specialized kindergarten prep curriculum to five and older four-year-olds starting school in the fall.

The Bailey Community Center also requested a 10-year lease in the amount of $30,000 a year for the first floor or the East Wing, in addition to three rooms on the third floor.

The City Council also approved to issue revenue bonds to the state revolving fund in an amount not to exceed $15,000,000 for sewer disposal system improvements at Tuesday’s work session.

The City Council also appointed Jacob Keesee to the University Study Commission representing the Inter- fraternity Council for a partial term ending April 30, 2015.

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