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ASMSU considers allocating $10,000 to iClicker rental program

January 16, 2015

The Associated Students of MSU held their first meeting post-winter break on Thursday and passed a bill to allocate $10,000 to the expansion of the iClicker rental program.

“That $10,000 be allocated from Special Projects toward the expansion and improvement of the ASMSU iClicker program,” the bill said.

“We saw the demand for iClickers was high and the supply was dwindling as a result,” ASMSU Vice President for Finance and Operations said.

iClicker has begun phasing out use of first edition iClickers and require a registration fee of $6.99 after the student rents the device. Essentially, the registration fee renders the 150 first edition iClickers owned by ASMSU useless. The program was created to provide free iClickers for students and not cheap iClickers.

ASMSU will add about 200 iClicker 2’s and 200 iClicker pluses to their already aging supply of first addition iClickers. The remaining first edition iClickers will be given to the surplus store.

ASMSU rents out all of their iClickers within about four days of each semester beginning according to Greg, which was part of the motivation for this bill.

“I think it’s a program that students take advantage of and we need to expand programs that students use,” ASMSU Finance Committee chairman Wyatt Ludman said.

The bill passed in the Finance Committee meeting on Thursday and will not be enforced unless The General Assembly passes it next week. 

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