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Police urge students to take home valuables over break

December 4, 2014

Students may head home free of stress, but campus is still a busy place over break, making residence halls susceptible to home invasions.

Due to a notable increase in the report of home invasions after students return from break, the East Lansing Police Department increases focused patrols in popular neighborhoods to safeguard vacant residences.

Lt. Steve Gonzalez of the ELPD said most of these are late reports, meaning the home was broken into at some point over break, and the students found out when they returned.

In addition to the increased police patrols, Gonzalez recommends students take extra precautions when leaving their homes for the holiday break, including taking home belongings and making sure all doors and windows are securely locked.

“We recommend simple things such as ensuring the mail is picked up or stopped, sidewalks shoveled and leaving a few lights on timers,” he said.

Following police warnings, students are beginning to take more of their valuables home with them when they leave the school for a long stretch of time.

The residence halls will close December 12, and MSU recommends that students to unplug appliances like refrigerators and fans to save power. Students prefer taking their more valuable items, such as televisions, home with them over break.

Only Hubbard Hall, McDonel Hall and Wonders Hall will house students during break, as they are designated for between-semester transitional housing. Students who currently live in those buildings should take extra care to lock their rooms and secure their belongings before leaving campus.

For students who will be living in the dorms during winter break, MSU police stresses that strangers should not be let into buildings and suspicious activity should be reported promptly. Aside from employees and transitional students, no one is allowed back in until 8 a.m. January 11.

Although security employees will be working, MSU police stress that students must make sure their doors are locked.

“If a student has taken their expensive properties with them,” said MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor, “and secured the doors, there should be no reason to worry about theft”.

Police records indicate the number of on-campus larcenies over winter break is steadily decreasing. There were about 13 residence hall break-ins in January of 2013 and only eight reported after last year’s break.


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