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Alumni, students procrastinate studying by swimming in frigid Red Cedar River

December 7, 2014

The Main Library is never busier than during finals week — and Sunday afternoon, there was another gathering of students there who had no intentions to study. 

About a dozen students met up at 2:30 p.m. at the bridge near the library to dive into the frigid waters of the Red Cedar river. 

"I'd much rather be doing this than studying," said human development and family studies senior Paula Bobosky.

Bobosky organized the event with Alumnus Eric Collins, who graduated with a degree in microbiology in 2012. Collins started the tradition in 2008, and this Sunday's dip was the seventh celebration. 

"Its a great way to take care of stress and hang out with friends during finals week," Collins said. 

The participants were advised to bring water shoes in order to avoid cutting their feet on the rocks in Red Cedar River. The water is safe to swim in and the only health concerns arise after long periods of rainfall, although some participants found unexpected pollutants in the river — Collins retrieved a bicycle from the water after diving in.

"My favorite part is heading into the library soaking wet and everyone looks at you like you're crazy," said electrical engineering senior Anthony Garvert, who participated in the dip.

Anyone was welcome to participate, not just the same friends who have been doing it for years. 

"This was one of the warmer years," genomics and molecular genetics junior Rachel Sullivan said. "It's a lot harder when there is snow on the ground and it's 16 degrees". 

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