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Oswald Wilder, charged in sexual assaults of four MSU women, given maximum sentence

December 19, 2014
<p>Oswald Scott Wilder</p>

Oswald Scott Wilder

27-year-old Vernon resident Oswald Scott Wilder Jr. was handed a 46 to 100 year prison sentence on Thursday by the Ingham County Circuit Court.

Wilder had physically or sexually assaulted a number of MSU women and remained at large for nearly six months.

After being arrested in August of 2013, Wilder confessed to sexually assaulting or attempting to sexually assault four female MSU students. 

The assaults took place between March 30, 2013 to May 16, 2013.

After being apprehended, he pleaded guilty in court to one count of first-degree criminal sexual assault, two counts of assault with intent to commit sexual penetration and one count gross indecency by a sexually delinquent person.

East Lansing Police Chief Juli Lieber said in a statement she was happy Wilder received the maximum sentence and expressed that the police department "hope(s) the victims will find some peace in knowing that he will be going away for a long time.”

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