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Emergency responders overwhelmed during U-M weekend

October 30, 2014

Emergency responders were overwhelmed with the amount of incapacitation calls ambulances and firetrucks answered to this weekend, city officials said, and are looking to persuade students to drink less this upcoming weekend.

During the rivalry weekend, East Lansing City Manager George Lahanas said all five ambulances on call were continuously busy throughout the weekend. He said it’s concerning not only because of the volume of intoxicated students who needed medical attention, but because city assets were tied up in aiding drunk revelers and not used for other, more serious needs.

Lahanas said the city already spares no expense with public safety, and is seeking greater responsibility from citizens.

“Hopefully there will be some control and people will want to take care of themselves,” Lahanas said.

During his time in college, Lahanas said students certainly drank, but only a small percentage of them landed in the hospital. He attributed the spike in part to students’ use of energy drinks with alcohol, which allows students to stay awake instead of passing out when they become too intoxicated.

East Lansing Police Captain Jeff Murphy said the amount of incapacitated calls were alarming because many criminals come into East Lansing during these times to target intoxicated students.

“Almost every time we have robberies and more serious types of crimes, the victims are intoxicated and I don’t think thats by accident,” Murphy said. “You’re less able to defend yourself, you’re maybe not thinking clearly, and a lot of times you’re by yourself and not paying attention to your surroundings, you’re making yourself an easy victim.”

East Lansing Fire Department Lieutenant Leo Allaire said all five ambulances and three fire trucks on call during the weekend were busy throughout the 24-hour period, whether it be attending to intoxication calls or other emergencies.

“We staff up for these events and in the few rare cases we’re at capacity, we call in mutual aid from Meridian Township fire,” Allaire said.

Compared to non-football weekends, Allaire said the volume of emergency calls this past weekend was more than double what the department usually receives.

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