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Fire rips through at least one apartment at Chandler Crossings

October 5, 2014
<p>Firemen work to put out a fire Oct. 5, 2014, at The Landings at Chandler Crossings. Erin Hampton/The State News</p>

Firemen work to put out a fire Oct. 5, 2014, at The Landings at Chandler Crossings. Erin Hampton/The State News

Supply chain management senior Gi Min was in the library studying for two upcoming midterms Sunday evening when she received a phone call from a close friend. Min was told her building in Chandler Crossings was on fire and she immediately rushed back home.

By the time Min arrived the flames had been extinguished, but her apartment and most of the third floor rooms on the building’s east side were destroyed.

A fire ripped through at least one apartment at The Landings at Chandler Crossings. The third floor apartment on the east side of building six appeared gutted, and water from the firemen ran down the side of the building.

The full extent of the damage is not yet clear. 

Min has a close friend letting her stay with them for the night, and MSU Police are offering students whose living situations are affected by the fire housing assistance.

Adam Martin, manager of the West Pac Campus Communities says that the Police and Fire Department response was extremely quick and no one was injured. 

Several students who lived in the building were driving by when they saw smoke and pulled into the parking lot to discover that their building was on fire. They were able to enter their room on the second floor and retrieve some of their belongings without getting wet from the fire hoses. 

Students who were in the building smelled smoke and noticed a fire out on the third floor balcony and began to evacuate as police arrived.

Police received the call just after 6 p.m. and arrived on the scene within six minutes. There is currently no cause known for the fire but police have no reason to suspect foul play. 

Many of the students, like computer science junior Jingwei Xu are unsure if they have renter’s insurance to cover them from the damages. Most of the affected students are from China and can not immediately contact their parents, due to the time difference.

“My passport was in there,” Xu said. “I have no idea what I am going to do next.”

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