Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Community Music School to receive additional 6 parking spaces

October 10, 2014

Across campus, construction is continually being finished, planned or is in progress. Current campus projects fall under all three categories.

An expansion project on the Community Music School parking lot by Hagadorn Roadwill begin in the spring, and will be completed by the fall 2015, according to Dave Wilber, the design representative for the project. Six parking spaces will be added to the existing 106, creating a total of 113 spaces.

Because the project is next to the Red Cedar River, Wilber said they will take extra precautions in construction.

Wilber also planned project deadlines around the start the of classes at the nearby MSU Community Music School so as not to interfere with them.

“Itisa little bit later than the (MSU) Community Music School,” said Wilber. “They don’t start until school’s started.”

One completed project is the renovation of the third floor of Bessey Hall.

“We did a comprehensive renovation of 11 of the classrooms,” said Dan Klann, design representative for the project. “Most of them involved new ceilings, lighting, floors, paint, white boards, window treatment, technology and furniture.”

They were also able to create “informal learning and collaborative areas within the corridors,” making it a more comfortable environment to study and socialize.

Another major project in the works is the construction of an additional office in the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory.

Construction for this project will begin in January 2015 and be completed by April 2016, according to senior fabrication engineer Jim Wagner.

All information concerning campus construction can be found at

Editor's note: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated the number of parking spaces that would be added to the MSU Community Music School. The number has been corrected.

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