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MSU's a cappella groups converge for weekend performances

October 16, 2014

One weekend a year, MSU's a cappella groups converge, all under one roof.

“It’s two nights out of the whole year where all the a cappella groups at MSU come together to show off the community as a whole,” marketing senior Alex Collar said.

Collar is the business manager of the Spartan Dischords, and those two nights refer to the annual Acapalooza, a performance which showcases seven of MSU’s a cappella groups.

There are two shows — first on Friday, Oct. 17 and then Saturday, Oct. 18, starting at 7:00 pm both nights at the Hannah Community Center.

Collar said Acapalooza is great for the different groups because they get to feed off each other’s energy and passion. Each a cappella group also gets exposure to the other groups’ fan bases, which Collar says are all different. He loves bringing everyone together and performing for all the fans.

“It’s a good opportunity for each group to show off what we’ve been working on for the past year,” Collar said.

Groups featured at Acapalooza include Spartan Sur, RCAHpella, The State of Fifths, Ladies First, Capital Green, and the Accafellas in addition to The Spartan Dischords.

Acapalooza is a unique chance for students of MSU to see the talents of the various a cappella groups.

“What’s really cool about a cappella is that if you’re not paying attention you don’t realize that there’s no other instruments, there’s nothing else going on except voices,” Collar said.

Tickets are available on the Spartan Dischords website. Any remaining tickets will be for sale at the Hannah Community Center each performance night.

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