Saturday, July 27, 2024

Set up for success

Club volleyball has helped Hannah Schroll grow closer with her family and make new friends on campus.

September 25, 2014
<p>Marketing freshman Jennifer Gerlach, left, warms up with prenursing sophomore Hannah Schroll during club volleyball try-outs on Sept. 23, 2014, at IM Sports-West. Schroll and Gerlach played volleyball together for three years before coming to college. Jessalyn Tamez/The State News</p>

Marketing freshman Jennifer Gerlach, left, warms up with prenursing sophomore Hannah Schroll during club volleyball try-outs on Sept. 23, 2014, at IM Sports-West. Schroll and Gerlach played volleyball together for three years before coming to college. Jessalyn Tamez/The State News

For prenursing sophomore Hannah Schroll,  playing club volleyball is much more than just a casual hobby.

Schroll first found her love for volleyball while practicing with her older sisters.

“I would practice with my older sisters so it gave me a connection between them,” Schroll said. “It kind of sprouted my love for volleyball.”

Schroll originally tried out for the team because she wanted to continue to excel in the sport with other people that were as enthusiastic as her. However what she ended up finding was much more valuable than just the game — she found herself engulfed by a new set of friends.

The team did a variety of things together off the court, such as having group dinners, watching movies, and talking about how they could better their volleyball skills.

“Playing volleyball here at Michigan State, for club, has given me a real connection here between people that I never really had before,” Schroll said “I had good friends but here they are like sisters. We are all so tightly knit together.”

Last season the team won third in nationals.  With this upcoming year Schroll has set her goals higher and hopes to receive first in nationals, as well as continue to grow closer to her teammates.


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