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Alumna uses tarot cards for spiritual guidance, business

July 27, 2014

For some residents and attendees of the Triple Goddess Bookstore's free weekly tarot study group, the meaning of the cards is more important than the cards dealt.

Triple Goddess Bookstore owner Dawne Botke graduated from MSU a multidisciplinary humanities degree in history, art history and women's studies.

Soon after she decided to start her own business, she quickly became successful by simply catering to what her customers were interested in.

One of those interests included reading tarot cards, which come in decks of 78 cards complete with pictures which carry meaning and give readers insight regarding the past, present and future. 

"Often, tarot can be very confusing when you start," Botke said. "It's fun to do together."

The study group brings reader of varying experience levels together to enjoy their readings, sometimes pairing up and reading each other.

Botke has practiced tarot for 29 years. Of the many things the practice has taught her, she said tarot has helped make empty space around her — to be more organized.

Tarot can give rise to many feelings, especially in the moments before a reading. Botke said it can cause a reader to feel a sense of anxiousness or excitement for what the cards will hold.

"It can be a little bit scary," Botke said.

She encourages attendees to ask themselves how they would like their world to be and to use the results of their readings to shape their direction.

"Magic is changing your mind," Botke said. 

Lansing resident Sun Wilson said she's had her deck for about 10 years, but hadn't practiced tarot until she began attending the study group.

"It's really weird," Wilson said. "I'm learning more about myself and my situation."

Wilson said she's able to get the perspective of people who know more about it than she does by coming to the study group every week. She said she doesn't usually change the way she plans to spend her day based on a reading she does in the morning or before bed.

MSU alumna and Lansing resident Erin von Kronenberger started coming to the Triple Goddess Bookstore's study group after seeing her friends do tarot card readings.

She said now she does a reading every day, recording her readings in a journal. She said she's begun to notice reoccurring themes in her life through reading. 

"It's like a daily ritual," von Kronenberger said. "It's the one thing I've been able to do every day."

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