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New BWL solar panels increase production capabilities

July 23, 2014

In 2008, the original array was built above a 10 million gallon drinking water reservoir, creating the ability to give customers both clean water and clean energy.

The original panels had the capability of producing 124 watts of energy at their peak. The new panels are capable of producing 265 watts of energy.

Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero said in a statement the solar panel program will reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on coal.

“The BWL is known for its leadership in providing renewable energy to its customers, and solar energy is leading the way in giving our community cleaner and greener energy,” Bernero said.

BWL social media specialist Amy Akers said the original solar panels cost less than $1 million and the new panels were much less expensive, costing about $300,000.

The initial installation cost of the new panels will not affect BWL customers.

BWL General Manager J. Peter Lark said in a statement the expanded panels will allow customers to use cleaner energy without purchasing the panels for their home.

“The expanded project doesn’t require operating, maintenance or fuel costs,” Lark said. “It simply runs off Pure Michigan (sic) sunlight and can power around 80 homes with clean, renewable energy.”

Aside from benefiting BWL customers, Akers said the expanded panels will help create a greener community.

“Anything that power companies can do to be more sustainable — it benefits the entire community, even if they aren’t served by Board of Water and Light,” Akers said.

Michigan law established a goal of meeting 10 percent renewable energy by 2015 and BWL adding more solar energy panels to Lansing will help to meet the goal.

Akers said having solar panels in Lansing is a much greener and better option for the city.

“It’s a healthier environment because the air is cleaner — we’re using clean energy to provide power,” Akers said.

Beginning fall 2014, BWL is planning production of an added wind component which will result in more than 6 percent of the total retail electric generation coming from renewable resources.


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