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CRMC president David Olson ousted

May 20, 2014

Community Resource Management Company, or CRMC, sent out an email to its residents Tuesday announcing their president, David Olson, had "been relieved of all responsibilities at CRMC."

CRMC is one of the largest rental companies in East Lansing and deals mainly with MSU students.

The email went on to specify "Mr. Olson no longer works for CRMC in any regard."

According to CRMC's website, when students sign a lease, they "will sign it with David Olson, the President of CRMC. David personally meets with student groups renting a house to get to know you and your roommates."

Becky Randall, who sent the email and was listed as a resident contact, was not immediately available for comment. An employee answering the phone at CRMC declined to comment. 

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