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Council discusses 2015 budget in work session meeting

May 13, 2014

The East Lansing fiscal year 2015 budget is on schedule for a vote by city council after the city council work session on Tuesday. The budget proposal will go to the city council meeting for a vote on May 20. 

In the work session, council members discussed the next year's budget, tax rate, and fee schedule resolution.

The budget remained largely unchanged from the preliminary budget proposed on April 1.

The preliminary budget featured a major shift toward increased spending for infrastructure and building after years of scaling back during a recession.

The proposed budget would increase the Department of Planning, Building and Development budget by 38 percent, police department budget by 3.5 percent with the fire department remaining about the same.

Local income taxes also remained relatively steady for East Lansing residents. In addition to property tax, the proposed budget would uphold the tax for the East Lansing public library. 

While the majority of the budget remained the same, the council made small changes to the distribution of funds.

The council asked for appropriations to the Community Relations Coalition, which was originally funded through the social services and public safety budgets, to be funded solely through the public safety budget.

Another change was re-funding the Listening Ear Crisis Intervention Center, a Lansing-based counseling service for residents struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts, loneliness and grief.

The center missed the deadline for grants by the city and the preliminary budget showed no money allocated to the center, said Mary Haskell, director of the city's finance department.

With the new change, $7,500 will be taken from code enforcement revenues to be given to the center, she said.

The changes were strictly reallocations of money within the budget, meaning no increases or decreases to the total budget were made.

There was also discussion on the city council budget for 2015. 

The proposed budget for city council would spend around 3800 dollars for membership to the National League of Cities. 

East Lansing Mayor Nathan Triplett said the membership was offered to the city at a promotional price and will allow city officials to attend policy meetings with the league in Washington D.C. 

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