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Dodging the competition

March 27, 2014

T hrowing, ducking, jumping and dodging are all necessary moves for success at an MSU club dodgeball practice.

T hrowing, ducking, jumping and dodging are all necessary moves for success at an MSU club dodgeball practice.

The club team, which is different from IM Dodgeball, practices from 8 to 10 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in the IM Sports-Circle main gym, and the team travels to play other teams on the weekends.

The practices are fast-paced and carry high intensity as the squad practices to get better for their upcoming games by refining their skills twice a week.

“Club dodgeball is a lot more fun than IM dodgeball,” senior team captain and president Mike Van Ermen said. “We use rubber balls instead of foam, and two it’s 15-on-15, so a lot more people get to play.”

The team competes nationally in tournaments, with their main rivals being Saginaw Valley, Grand Valley and Central Michigan universities. They also travel to places like Kentucky, Western Kentucky, Ohio State, James Madison and Towson.

“I came out to dodgeball my freshman year,” marketing sophomore and assistant captain Colin O’Brien said. “It’s honestly the most fun thing I do every week.”


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