Monday, September 23, 2024

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Council approves changes to snow removal ordinance

The responsibility of removing snow in East Lansing now will fall on property owners rather than tenants, according to an adjusted city ordinance.

East Lansing City Council approved changes to an existing ordinance regarding snow removal Tuesday evening. Residents now are required to clear sidewalks within 48 hours of the beginning of snowfall that occurs for several consecutive days.

The ordinance also considers each day that the snow is not removed a separate offense.

Despite residents’ struggle to keep up with extreme winter weather, councilmember Ruth Beier said public safety has become imperative with the high volume of snow and ice in the streets.

“We had to weigh the needs of people who wanna walk and bike even in the winter and the needs of owners who are struggling to keep the road clear,” she said.

The change will be enforced starting Oct. 1. 

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