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Student group returns with new chapter, new initiative

February 9, 2014

The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers might have struggled to keep a presence at MSU in past semesters, but this semester has started out stronger than ever thanks to a student’s initiative.

The group is a nonprofit organization designed to connect Asian college students to employers, including General Electric, Shell and Toyota, according to the group’s website.

After three years of difficulties, the student group has successfully reopened its chapter at MSU this semester.

Current MSU chapter president and mechanical engineering sophomore Ha Anh Le has taken every measure to revive the engineering and scientists’ society’s presence at MSU.

“I was a one-person organization for a while,” said Le, who became president in November 2013.

The society was brought to MSU in March 2011. Since then, two presidents have stepped down and membership has dwindled.

“I wanted to start it up again, but literally the last person dropped on me,” Le said. “It’s been quite the body count.”

Longtime member Shenli Pei, a mechanical engineering senior, attributes the organization’s problems to a lack of communication and passion.

“Maybe we just didn’t work together,” she said. Le said Pei was on a co-op in China during Fall 2013, which is why she could not be a part of the organization at the time.

The organization’s regional and national conferences bring students from all across the country to meet with students from other colleges and representatives from top companies.

The student group also seeks to celebrate diversity.

“Anyone can join the organization as long as they believe in our purpose,” vice president Diana Xu said, a biochemistry and molecular biology junior. Graduate students, non-engineers and non-Asian students are welcome to apply.

Le said she plans on completely revamping the society’s presence at MSU and is hopeful that she will lead it in the right direction.

She said she aims to help members break out of their shells and explore the many opportunities the student group offers.

The society’s first meeting this semester was Jan. 28. The turnout, while modest, was beyond expectations.

“We do have a team that is passionate about SASE,” Pei said.

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