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Letter: Friend of fatally shot student outraged by university’s response

February 5, 2014

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to express anything but my outrage about this matter and how it was handled.

Above all, Dominique Nolff was a Spartan, and the way the school handled this matter makes it seem like they don’t care about their students.

I still haven’t received any information from MSUPD or ELPD about his murder. I didn’t even receive the alerts that were supposed to be sent out to the students.

In all honesty, this was a campus shooting, and the campus wasn’t even shut down like it was supposed to.

Cedar Village Apartments, near where the shooting occurred, are home to most likely all MSU students and is literally on the border of MSU’s campus.

Snyder and Phillips halls are directly across the street, so explain to me how was this not a campus shooting.

I understand the technicality of it being private property so its not a part of Michigan State’s campus.

But still, it had to do with two MSU students.

It seems to be that the university doesn’t care too much about their students. I haven’t even received an email response from the university’s president yet addressing the matter.

I surely did receive that email about the Rose Bowl and Big Ten championship victories though. This is ridiculous.

MSU and East Lansing police offered $20,000 to whoever had information leading to anyone involved with the victory riots in Cedar Village Apartments, but offered nothing to people who had information leading to the suspect responsible for Dominique’s death. Technically, the victory riot also wasn’t the university’s issue because it was “off-campus.”

Both of these situations happened outside of campus property as well as the shooting, but has the situation of more importance received the attention it deserves? Absolutely not.

Something needs to be done about this because this is absolutely absurd. I don’t even feel safe here anymore.

This shows me that Michigan State University cares more about its image than the student body and our safety.

Ryan Boudreaux is a communication sophomore. Reach him at

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