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Letter: Pres. Simon’s ‘student behavioral concerns’ comment blames victims

February 24, 2014

On Feb. 18, The State News reported that President Lou Anna K. Simon addressed “student behavioral concerns,” in particular, sexual assault and the recent murders on campus.

On Feb. 21, students received an email from Paulette Granberry Russell, who serves as the university’s Title IX coordinator, informing us about the sexual assault prevention resources available to students on campus.

As much as I wish these were displays of MSU’s concern for its students, the sentiments expressed give me a very different impression. These are both blatant efforts to deflect blame from the university for the violence on our campus.

President Simon’s use of the phrase “destructive behaviors” is an appallingly inaccurate way to describe the violent crimes to which she is referring. The irresponsible, immature actions of teenagers are simply not comparable to the rapes and murders that have occurred in our community.

Her statement that students are solely responsible for preventing such violence is absolutely ludicrous. As Granberry Russell’s letter explains, our sexual assault prevention programs are incredibly important and increasingly effective. Unfortunately, though, these programs are simply unable to immediately and completely eradicate sexual violence at MSU.

I have been the victim of sexual violence on campus, and I have met many other sexual assault survivors in the four years I have attended MSU. We were all taught in the sexual assault prevention programs we attended that we are never to blame for the violence committed against us. That message is severely muddled when the president of our university tells us that MSU believes we are, in fact, the only ones responsible for preventing sexual assault.

There is no doubt that students should take care of one another. However, it is unreasonable and infuriating to be told the university does not care to help us keep each other safe. We deserve better.

Christianna Gluys,
Social relations and policy senior

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