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Lansing receives assistance for eco-friendly development

January 13, 2014

Lansing will receive the technical Green Design Assistance under the Greening America’s Capitals program provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA.
The aid will transform a 14-acre parking lot located between the Capitol Building to the Hall of Justice into a public park. The development will include the addition of green spaces and renewable energy technologies., according to the EPA.
Lansing was chosen after the EPA sent letters of interest to mayors of 36 capital cities. The selection criteria included potential impact of the project, description of the design challenge and project area and support from elected officials and the public.
Lansing was one of three capital cities to be chosen for the program, along with Madison, Wis. and Olympia, Wash.
“Through Greening America’s Capitals, EPA looks forward to helping Lansing design a public park that can filter runoff and reduce flooding in an area that is now a 14-acre parking lot,” said John Frece, director of EPA’s Office of Sustainable Communities. “The park will also provide a marvelous amenity for residents right in downtown.”
The EPA will contract private sector experts to assist with the project, which is expected to start immediately once a city staff and consultant team are assembled.
“This is the fourth year of Greening America’s Capitals,” Frece said. “This program not only helps communities implement storm water and climate mitigation techniques, but it also has a proven track record of attracting more downtown development and leveraging other resources to create the kinds of places people want to live, work, and play.”
Lansing Director of Planning and Neighborhood Development Bob Johnson said the project will reach beyond the capital city.
“We have to think about visitors coming to their state capital. It’s about coming to Lansing,” Johnson said. “How can you enhance that? This state park would be for them, they could really connect to their city and to their state capital.”
According to the EPA, the reason behind this project is to revive and re-envision public spaces in Lansing, making the city “more liveable.”
The EPA that the city of Lansing would be perceived by people as “a showcase for the state and nation.”

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