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Severe storm on Sunday leaves lasting effect on East Lansing

November 18, 2013

A severe storm whipped through East Lansing on Sunday night, causing damage and power outages for students, residents and officials.

The storm started at about 5 p.m. and continued with high winds throughout Sunday night and into Monday.

On Monday morning, nearly 600 residents were without power, said Stephen Serkaian, director of communications for the Lansing Board of Water and Light. Wind throughout the day caused more power outages in the Lansing area, totaling roughly 750 powerless homes and businesses.

Board of Water and Light officials said power is expected to be restored to all customers by 6 p.m. Wednesday.

Crew workers have been repairing damaged utility poles and removing fallen trees since the storm hit. Serkaian said the severe storm hit most of the Lansing area, so officials have put a high priority into fixing the downed power lines.

“In order to make sure that the safety of our workers are protected, we have to go through diligently in making sure that lines and poles are replaced properly,” he said.

East Lansing Environmental Services Administrator Catherine DeShambo said crews working were notified of the problem and sent to clear fallen trees and blocked roads.

“Our number one priority (is) to make the situation safe,” DeShambo said.

DTN officials said there hasn’t been much property damage as a result of the storm but they have noticed a few trees down that needed removal. DTN officials also said the organization expects the weekly maintenance reports to show additional damages when the reports come in later this week as well.

Kinesiology sophomore Alek Mitkoski, who lives in one of DTN’s residential apartments, Haslett Arms, said there’s a tree right outside of his apartment that could have came down in the winds.

“I live right here — (the tree) can drop any second,” he said. “There’s nothing you can do about it but take cover.”

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