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MSU benefits from Wayne State University tuition hike

MSU is slated to profit to the tune of $111,500 from an abnormally high tuition increase for Wayne State University students.

WSU’s tuition increased by 8.9 percent this year — more than double that of other Michigan universities, whose average tuition increase was 3.45 percent.

WSU forfeited $534,700 in performance-based funding as a result of the increase. The money will be distributed among the state’s other 14 public universities.

But MSU students shouldn’t bet on their own tuition prices dropping as a result. The money doesn’t cover the average 2.8 percent tuition increase the MSU Board of Trustees approved in 2013 after years of declining state aid to universities.

WSU determined it was in their best economic interests to raise tuition and lose on the performance funding, said Kyle Jen, deputy director at Michigan’s House Fiscal Agency.

MSU spokesman Jason Cody said he isn’t aware of any specific plans the university might have for the funds.

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