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Learning the ropes of life at MSU

September 2, 2013

Entering my freshman year at MSU has simultaneously been one of the most exciting, frightening and enlightening experiences of my life.

From the dining halls to the restaurants on Grand River Avenue, exploring the campus and city has been a learning experience that, at times, has proven to be frustrating and cumbersome. Many times I have been lost, tired or confused and found myself thinking, “I wish someone would have told me that!”

Here are a few things I wish I would have known before my first day at MSU.

10. There are three ‘S’s of MSU living: sleep, school and social life. But, you only get enough time in college to pick two of the three.

9. Apps on your phone, including Google Maps and the Spartan App, are your saviors when it comes to locating bus routes, classes, dining halls and other places in East Lansing.

8. Being a freshman is similar to the first day of kindergarten ­— everyone is eager to make friends, so don’t be afraid to approach your classmates. Also like kindergarten, some kids are going to have a hard time adjusting. You might cry or miss your parents, but that’s OK.

7. It is going to be hot and you are going to be sweaty. Get used to it. Make sure to pack a water bottle. The heat on campus can be as unforgiving as the Mojave Desert.

6. Those motor scooters might look stupid, but you’re going to wish you had one when you’re walking half a mile to your next class.

5. Recreational room couches, grassy fields and even bus stop benches are all acceptable places to nap. They may not be the most comfortable, but by the number of snoozing students I’ve seen, they are obviously the most popular.

4. Make sure to bring a phone charger everywhere. The last thing you want to be is lost on campus with no way to complain about it on Facebook.

3. If you are planning on the bus being on time, don’t.

2. Find a good balance between the fashion of a homeless man and a Gucci goddess. It’s OK to wear sweats and a T-shirt every so often, especially to an 8 a.m. class.

1. Know that it will get better. Every day you will be a little less lost. With every friend you make, you will feel a little less alone. The nerves will fade. Remain calm, take everything one day at a time and make the most of your freshman year.

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