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Lansing resident creates popular, positive stickers

July 31, 2013

Signs are everywhere in East Lansing and very few signs are pleasing to the eye. Often the signs contain routes of detours, construction chaos or simple speed limits, which occasionally trip people up.

But for once, there is a yellow caution diamond sign, not to cause stress, but to generate a smile.

That sign reads “This Is A Good Sign” and they are located across the nation, and even overseas. The Good Sign Facebook page has more than 15,000 likes and the simple concept comes from Eric Dennis, a Lansing resident.

“I knew this was going to be something big, so immediately I trademarked the idea and started a website” Dennis said. “The sign was designed by the army core of engineers to be very visual and striking so that you could avoid things that may be cautionary in your life.”

It started in 2010 when Dennis, 41, had a vision of making the world a happier and more friendly place after dealing with his harsh version of reality. Dennis used this concept to push through his problems with hopes to help others.

Since then, Dennis has printed off more than 50,000 mini signs, stickers and plaster plastic signs, passing them out as a way to counteract negative memories and situations to allow for people to be more upbeat and have a positive outlook on life. His signs have been featured in CNN, Getty Images, and even the British Observer as something that conveys a purely positive meaning.

Kevin Lamb of West Bloomfield, Mich., jumped on board of the concept while he was working as a sports editor in the metro Detroit area. Lamb thought the idea was inspiring, and started mentioning Dennis’ concept in his blogs.

“(Eric) has always been a motivational guy who’s always positive and happy,” Lamb said.

“The signs are meant to be a visual representation of a warm, fuzzy, happy feeling that people get when they’re doing something they love or what they think is right.”

MSU graduate student Lorezno Heron took a look at the yellow sign, and described how it would make him feel if he saw it hanging up around campus. Herron said the sign can serve as a source to cheer up students who are having a bad day.

According to Lamb, recently the signs have been a big part of summer festival concert scenes, pointing out festival goers are looking out for the signs.

Because the two are so popular in the music scene, Dennis and Lamb soon will be launching “This is a Good Scene Magazine.” The magazine will feature various art and music festivals and the positive stories of band members and festival goers.

“When they get them, they’re working with you to spread the message and people get excited,” Lamb said. “People start taking the sign everywhere they go, and they think it’s fun.”

Political theory and constitutional democracy senior, Stephen Riccardo thinks the concept is a good sign of selflessness.

“It’s always a good thing to be a part of a business of just making peoples day (better),” Stephen Riccardo, said.

And for Dennis, the concept remains a simple one.

“Our sign doesn’t tell you what to do,” Dennis said. “It only asks you to be happier.”

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