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Lansing area offers plenty for Fourth of July

July 3, 2013
	<p>A firework display shimmers and shines above Cooley Law School Stadium Sunday night after the Lansing Lugnuts defeated Lake County 5-4. The fireworks were presented by East Lansing residents Marc and Branda Russell of Night Magic Displays. </p>

A firework display shimmers and shines above Cooley Law School Stadium Sunday night after the Lansing Lugnuts defeated Lake County 5-4. The fireworks were presented by East Lansing residents Marc and Branda Russell of Night Magic Displays.

When it’s warm outside in Michigan, and there are plenty of loud and colorful displays in the night sky, it can only mean one thing: Independence Day.

No, not the 1996 Will Smith movie, but rest assured the Lansing area has plenty of activities going on from parades and concerts to, of course, fireworks.


The Fourth of July Parade in Lansing will kick off at 11 a.m., starting on Allegan Street, then continue to Capital Avenue and finish on Ottawa Street, going right around the Michigan State Capitol, said Lori Lanspeary, leisure marketing manager of the Greater Lansing Visitors and Convention Bureau.

The parade will have cars, dance groups and plenty of veterans, highlighted by the Grand Marshal, George “Jesse” Taylor. Taylor was drafted in 1943 and served with the Marines in World War II. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the nation’s highest civilian congressional honor, in June 2012 and is one of about 400 surviving black Marines who served in World War II.

“We will celebrate the veterans and their sacrifice,” said Emily Stevens, the city of Lansing’s manager of leisure services. “The parade won’t just be for one group, however, it will be for everyone and celebrate the diversity of Lansing.”

After the parade, the Lansing Concert Band will hold their annual Fourth of July concert at 8 p.m. at the Adado Riverfront Park.

Mason, Mich., will have the County Seat Old Car Club’s 27th annual “Cruise Back in Time” car show at the Courthouse Square from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and a bounce house and kids’ games from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Lanspeary said.

Mason’s evening parade starts at 7:30 p.m. beginning at the Mason High School parking lot.


There will be different firework shows all across the Lansing area on the Fourth of July. Eaton Rapids, Mich., will have its fireworks display at the Eaton Rapids High School soccer fields, and Mason will host fireworks at the Ingham County Fairgrounds following the evening parade. Both fireworks displays are scheduled to begin at dusk.

Lansing’s fireworks display is scheduled to begin at 10:15 p.m. at Adado Riverfront Park following the Lansing Concert Band’s performance. Spectators should get a two-for-one deal at this show from nearby Cooley Law School Stadium.

“The (Lansing) Lugnuts will have fireworks after their game that night,” Lanspeary said. “Visitors will get to see both shows, it should be quite a display.”


Some people choose to have their own fireworks display on Independence Day. East Lansing ordinances permit fireworks on the day before, the day of and the day after a national holiday. However, the ordinance does not apply to sparklers, or fireworks that are kept on the ground.

“We would just ask that people use (fireworks) responsibly and respect their neighbors,” said East Lansing Police Capt. Jeff Murphy. “Be careful where you launch — some neighborhoods are very congested and there could be problems with noise violations and endangering property.”

As a holiday, the Fourth of July is a great opportunity for East Lansing residents to get out and take a vacation in their own town. Yet, some students will take the opportunity to put school first.

“I’m going to spend my holiday studying for my MCAT exam,” psychology senior Mark Pressler said. “Last year I spent my Fourth of July just sitting by the pool and day drinking at Capitol Villa.”

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