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Park District proposals sent to subcommittee for review

April 17, 2013

Three proposals for the Park District Area will be sent to a subcommittee for financial review by the Park District Planning Area Review Team after a meeting at City Hall.

Lurvey White Ventures, Urban Cultural and Arts District LLC and Studio [Intrigue] Architects LLC and DTN Management Co. unanimously were voted by the team to see if they have the financial capabilities to go forward with a project by a subcommittee consisting of Finance Director Mary Haskell and City Attorney Tom Yeadon.

The area up for development stretches from Abbot Road to Valley Court, covering about 2.8 acres of land. Surrounding the area includes The People’s Church, Dublin Square Irish Pub and Valley Court Park.

One property, 303 Abbot Road, originally was part of the City Center II project before it was declared financially infeasible by the city.

After reviewing the rescored qualifications of the developers and the scoring of their proposals, Lurvey White Ventures, Urban Cultural and Arts District and Studio [Intrigue] and DTN had the three highest scores.

Lurvey White had the highest score with 66.1, followed by Urban Cultural and Arts District and Studio [Intrigue] with 61.5 and DTN was third with a score of 59.6.

The scores were on a scale of 100, but 15 points were omitted from each score for the developers’ financial qualifications, which will come during the financial review.

The next meeting for the review team to look over the developers’ financial is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22 at 3 p.m. at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road.

The three remaining developers, MBT Partners LLC and Visser Brothers Inc., Capstone Collegiate Communities LLC and Vlahakis Companies and The Parkside Project LLC, will be set aside during the financial review process and brought back during the review team’s next meeting.

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