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One too many calories

Calories in alcohol shouldn’t replace food calories, experts say

April 3, 2013

Before heading out to the bars tonight, take a minute to look at the health benefits, or lack thereof, in some of East Lansing’s specials.

Ronda Bokram, Student Health Services staff nutritionist in the Health Education Department, said there are no health benefits to alcohol, besides red wine, in moderation.

Bokram said a drink is not necessarily better for you if it has fewer calories, and the consequences of drinking have more to do with quantity.

“Just because it has less calories, you cannot consume more of them.”

Bokram said alcohol is not in any way a substitute for daily meals, and drinking alcohol on an empty stomach might have heavy consequences.

Bokram said she has heard and seen the phenomenon of drunkorexia – not easting for an extended period of time in order to get more drunk when consuming alcohol – since she started working at MSU.

Jamonica Horn, biomedical laboratory science junior, said she accidentally forgot to eat before drinking once, which made her sick — something she said she will never do again.

Horn said she does not think about health when choosing an alcoholic drink.

“Maybe because I’m trying to get intoxicated,” she said.

Horn said some of her friends think clear liquor is better for you compared to other alcoholic beverages, which Bokram said is not true.

Here are a few East Lansing favorites, including calorie counts from MyFitnessPal.

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