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McCarthy right choice for EPA

As Earth Day draws near, people across Michigan will be considering the ways in which they can protect the earth and their local environment.

President Barack Obama got a head start on this when he outlined his obligation to address climate change during his second inaugural address in January. To that end, the president found someone to help him meet that obligation by nominating Gina McCarthy to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

McCarthy is a dedicated non-partisan professional who has the rare ability to put politics aside and collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders to develop and implement clean air standards that save lives and protect public health.

McCarthy’s pragmatism and commonsense approach to policy making is what qualifies her to lead the EPA and to continue the legacy of environmental and public health protection that Earth Day represents.

We know she will work hard to protect public health, fight the causes of climate change and strengthen the economy for the benefit of all Americans.

The Senate should swiftly confirm McCarthy.

Ariel Tausk, English freshman

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