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April snowfall, flooded Red Cedar River hit campus

April 13, 2013

The light snowfall in East Lansing is expected to continue through the day and taper off this evening around 7-8 p.m., said Evan Webb, meteorologist with the the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids.

The snowfall is being see across central and western Michigan, but is not expected to accumulate, Webb said.

The Red Cedar River in East Lansing is at about 6.6 to 6.7 feet currently, and the flood stage is about 7 feet, Webb said.

Webb said this is highest it will get, and the water level will begin to drop within the next day.

Tomorrow’s forecast expects to be in the mid-50s, and Monday will get up to the 60s.

East Lansing residents can expect rain starting Monday afternoon and continuing through Wednesday morning.

“It’s just going to be another wet week,” Webb said.

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