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If the shoe fits: The story of a local shoe repairman

March 28, 2013
	<p>John&#8217;s Shoe Repair owner and <span class="caps">MSU</span> alumnus Tim Herwaldt looks away as he repairs a shoe at his shop Wednesday, March 28, 2013, at 415 N. Clippert St. in Lansing. </p>

John’s Shoe Repair owner and MSU alumnus Tim Herwaldt looks away as he repairs a shoe at his shop Wednesday, March 28, 2013, at 415 N. Clippert St. in Lansing.

When MSU alumnus Tim Herwaldt graduated, he wasn’t sure what career he was going to pursue with his degree in psychology.

“Until I figured out what direction I wanted to go in my life, I needed to do something,” he said. “I needed to have a job.”

Shoe repair seemed to be a natural fit.

Since the age of 12, he has been learning the trade from his father’s one-man shop in Flint, Mich.

What started out as temporary employment at John’s Shoe Repair, 415 N. Clippert St., in Lansing, turned into a full-time job.

Throughout the years, he saw a gradual shift in the trade as shoes increasingly are made out of plastic instead of rubber.

While he continued to evolve with the trade, the original owner of John’s Shoe Repair approached retirement.

Herwaldt eventually bought the shop and continues to repair shoes.

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