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Winter storm expected tonight, 3-5 inches of snow expected

February 7, 2013

Update, 9:15 p.m.:

East Lansing still has not received the expected heavy snowfall, but 3-5 inches are slated to accumulate across the area.

There is a batch of snow moving from the west into Grand Rapids currently, which is expected to affect East Lansing in the next few hours, said Brandon Hoving, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids.

Hoving said East Lansing is still under a winter storm warning, which accounts for about 6 inches, but he said the area is not likely to receive that much.


Update, 4:32 p.m.:

As East Lansing remains under a winter storm warning, the total snowfall is now expected to be between 6-7 inches.

Ernie Ostuno, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids, said the heavy snowfall will begin this evening and taper off at about midnight.

The accumulating snow is expected finish by about 9 a.m., Ostuno said.

Update, 1:30 p.m.:

East Lansing currently is under a winter storm warning in preparation for heavy snowfall expected this evening.

Students should expect to see snow beginning late this afternoon and continue through the evening until about noon tomorrow, said Jared Maples, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids.

About 4 inches total is expected to accumulate across East Lansing with the heaviest snow falling during the night, Maples said.

West Michigan already is seeing snowfall and places north of I-96 are expected to be the most impacted by the winter weather, Maples said.

Maples said the question for the East Lansing is whether the snow is mixed with any rain or sleet, which could create even more hazardous road conditions tomorrow morning.

Maples said East Lansing is located between the area north expected to be hit hard and the area south slated to see less snowfall.

“You guys are kind of on that cusp,” he said. “If it stays cold enough and snows enough, then you could very well get into those higher numbers.”

Students are advised to take caution and drive slow when commuting to class Friday morning, Maples said.

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